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Matthieu Remy

Matthieu Remy

20 Jan 2022
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Easyvest, portfolio management company: what does this mean for you?

Very soon, easyvest will receive a new license as a portfolio management company from the FSMA, the Belgian financial markets regulator! Below are the Q&Arelated to this change.

Why this change?

The main purpose of this evolution is to improve your experience when investing and monitoring your investment, and to simplify our processes. The changes that this new status implies are mainly that:

  • you will be able to use the electronic signature at any time (no more paper to sign manually).
  • we will be able to deploy your incoming capital automatically (no need for a confirmation call).
  • you will be able to make your recurring payments by direct debit directly from our app (no need to do it from your banking app).
  • you will receive communications, for example on the status of your portfolio, directly from easyvest, in the easyvest style of communication (no longer with Leleux style nor in the header).

We will remain fully committed to the investment strategy that we have applied to our clients up to now: in other words, nothing will change for your money.

Our new status will allow us to execute our strategy more quickly and efficiently, making our advisors even more available to you, and help you seek the best long-term return through passive investment.

To inform you about the new status of easyvest, we have prepared the following FAQs (frequently asked questions). You can also contact us by e-mail ( or telephone (+32 2 899 95 80) for any clarification you may require.


Does this new license mean that easyvest will do more for me? Yes.

Easyvest, as a portfolio management company, becomes an investment firm and is no longer an intermediary agent acting under the responsibility of an investment firm. It is now easyvest that is legally your provider of the investment service of portfolio management. We therefore manage all aspects of the contractual relationship with you. Before that, we acted under the responsibility of Leleux Associated Brokers. Your money will continue to be deposited with Leleux Associated Brokers, with the same level of security, but easyvest will be able to provide services that are more digital than the processes encountered up to now (e.g. electronic signature).

Do I have to sign a new contract? Yes.

You will have to sign a portfolio management contract with easyvest. You will receive this contract in the next few days, which you can sign electronically.

Will the service provided by easyvest change? Yes, for the better.

You are a client of easyvest and you will remain so. But instead of a one-off investment advice contract, you sign a portfolio management contract with easyvest. The difference is that from now on we will take care of everything. We will be even more proactive in managing your money in line with your risk profile. Your adviser will no longer have to call you to ask for your confirmation code when a portfolio recalibration is required or to deploy your last payment. However, your adviser will be available more than ever if you wish to discuss your investments.

Does it cost me anything to sign this new contract? No.

We will apply exactly the same fees as in the past. You will not be charged any additional fees.

Is my money still deposited and protected by Leleux Associated Brokers? Yes.

Your assets (cash and investment funds) remain deposited with Leleux Associated Brokers. This does not change. However, the new portfolio management contract will be signed with easyvest and only easyvest (the Leleux letterhead and logo will no longer appear). The handwritten signature will no longer be systematically required as it was the case until now. Your adviser will no longer have to call you systematically to ask for your confirmation code when a portfolio recalibration has to be carried out or to deploy your last payment.

Is easyvest's investment approach changing? No.

Easyvest advocates a proven investment methodology to make your money grow. This methodology does not aim to select a limited number of specific stocks and does not try to beat the market. It simply follows the market, ignoring the predictions of financial gurus, and focuses on growing your money over the long term. This simple, proven and conservative approach is also extremely effective.

The methodology is based on the modern portfolio theory established by Nobel Prize-winning economist Harry Markowitz. It was developed by Matthieu Remy, our co-founder and CEO, at Harvard Business School with the help of world-renowned financial experts.

To learn more about it, please visit the page dedicated to our investment approach.

When will easyvest receive the new FSMA portfolio management company license? In the first quarter of 2022.

Which gives us time for you and easyvest to sign your portfolio management contract, and for easyvest to update some internal processes.

Can I stay with easyvest and be served by its advisers if I don't sign the new contract? No.

If you do not sign the new contract, you will no longer be a client of easyvest, and easyvest will no longer be your investment service provider (at least until you sign a new contract with us).

This means that

  • your portfolio will no longer be managed according to easyvest's specific approach,
  • you will no longer have the support of your advisers such as Corentin, Andrés or Matthieu,
  • you will no longer have access to the easyvest application and to your online portfolio at any time,
  • you will no longer be able to benefit from our advantageous rates,
  • you will, however, remain a client of Leleux Associated Brokers, and you will be in contact with one of its advisers. Leleux Associated Brokers rates will apply.

Can I still see the status and valuation of my portfolio via the easyvest app if I don't sign the new contract? No.

You will no longer be a client of easyvest, and easyvest will no longer be your investment service provider. This means that you will no longer have access to the easyvest application and your online portfolio at any time.

Do my assets have the same protection? Yes.

As up to now, you benefit from the protection of deposits and financial instruments of the Belgian State Guarantee Fund and Protection Fund. As a reminder, any deposit held within a credit institution in any European Economic Area country is protected up to an amount of €100,000 per person and per institution.

Any financial instrument held within a credit institution or investment firm in any European Economic Area country is protected up to an amount of €20,000 per person and per institution.

Your assets (funds and financial instruments) are deposited with Leleux Associated Brokers.

Is Easyvest still regulated by the FSMA? Yes.

Easyvest will now be authorised and regulated by the FSMA (the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority) as a portfolio management company. Previously, it was registered with the FSMA on the list of banking and investment services intermediaries as an agent in banking and investment services. This new license is considered to be a higher level of license, imposing more controls on easyvest by the FSMA, but in exchange allowing easyvest to offer you services more in line with its vision.

Last updated on 20/01/2022

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See all FAQs
Easyvest is a brand of Easyvest NV/SA (No. 0631.809.696), authorized and regulated by the Belgian Authority for Financial Services and Markets (FSMA) as a portfolio management company and as a broker in insurances, with registered office at Rue de Praetere 2/4, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. Easyvest Pension Fund (abbreviated to Easyvest OFP) is a professional pension organisation approved by the FSMA (No. 1011.041.490) and domiciled at the same address. Copyright 2024 EASYVEST NV/SA. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance. All securities involve risk and may result in loss.