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Our fees

Managing your wealth should not cost you a fortune. Whatever the nature of your investment, easyvest offer our services for only a fraction of the fees charged by traditional banks and insurers.

We can opt for two investment solutions with easyvest :

1. Investment account

1.1. Management fees 

Easyvest's management fees are between 0,5% and 1,00% per annum of the assets under management on an investment portfolio.

The exact percentage depends on the total value of the portfolio under management, as detailed in the following table: 

You investYou pay
Less than 24.999 €1,00%/yr incl. VAT
25.000 € - 49.999 €0,90%/yr incl. VAT
50.000 € - 99.999 €0,75%/yr incl. VAT
100.000 € - 249.999 €0,60%/yr incl. VAT
More than 250.000 €0,50%/yr incl. VAT

The valuation of the assets under management is calculated on the penultimate working day (the day before the last working day) of the month at 10 P.M. Belgian time, i.e. after the closing of the European stock exchanges. One twelfth (1/12th) of the amount shown in the table above is charged on the portfolio vaue at the end of each month.

No other direct or indirect remuneration is received by Easyvest in connection with its portfolio management service. In particular, no brokerage fees (free of charge) or custody fees (free of charge) are charged. 

In the event that the contractual relationship is blocked for legal, judicial, or contractual reasons (e.g. death, seizure, etc.), Easyvest will continue to execute its portfolio management mandate and to receive management fees. 

The management fees of eastvest do not include the management fees of the trackers in which the portfolio invests (on average 0.16% per year), as well as financial taxes, such as the tax on stock exchange transactions or the withholding tax. All the fees and taxes borne by the client over a year are reported to him monthly at the same time as each account statement sent by easyvest, or by the custodian. 

In the event that the contractual relationship is blocked for legal, judicial, or contractual reasons (e.g. death, seizure, etc.), Easyvest will continue to execute its portfolio management mandate and to receive management fees. 

1.2. Taxes

Tax on stock exchange transactions 

Belgian residents are subject to a tax on stock exchange transactions (TST). Only the types of financial instruments in which Easyvest could invest in the framework of its portfolio management activity are listed in the table below. 

Type of financial instrumentPurchaseSaleCeiling

Tracker-ETFs in the form of distribution units of Belgian or foreign SICAV/Fs listed by the FSMA or a competent authority of the EEA 



1.300 €

Tracker-ETF in the form of capitalization units of foreign SICAV/Fs registered with an EEA supervisory authority 



1.300 €

Tracker-ETF in the form of units of Belgian or foreign SICAV/Fs registered with the FSMA 



4.000 €

Tracker-ETFs in the form of capitalization or distribution units of foreign SICAV/Fs not registered with an EEA supervisory authority 



1.600 €

Tracker-ETFs in the form of Belgian or foreign mutual funds registered with the FSMA or with an EEA supervisory authority 



1.300 €

Tracker-ETFs in the form of foreign mutual funds not registered with an EEA supervisory authority 



1.600 €

Tracker-ETFs (not in the form of SICAV/SICAF or FCP) 



1.600 €

Withholding tax

Trackers with more than 10% bonds are subject to capital gains tax when the fund units are sold, provided that the investor has realized a capital gain between purchase and sale.

This tax, called withholding tax, amounts to 30% of the capital gain.

Tax on investment accounts

At the time we write these lines (1/1/2022), this is a wealth tax of 0,15% per year on the value of all investment accounts worth more than 1.000.000€. For more information on the tax on securities investment accounts, we invite you to consult the explanatory page of our custodian here.

Taxation of Belgian non-residents

Clients of Easyvest, who are not Belgian tax residents, are exempt from all Belgian taxes mentioned above. Easyvest will therefore not deduct any tax from these accounts.  

However, it is the customer's responsibility to check with her country of residence for any taxes due and to pay them. 

Easyvest declines all responsibility for any tax default by a client towards a tax authority other than the Belgian tax authority. 

2. Life insurance

Life insurance contracts are is used primarily in pension planning and occasionally in estate planning. They can take the form of CIPA, PIPA, FSP, NIHDI contracts, pension savings, long term savings, group insurance and non-tax life insurance.

Two types of fees are charged on a life insurance contract:

  1. A single entry fee for the payment of each premium
  2. An annual management fee on the value of the contract.

2.1 Entry fees

The entry fees are applied on each premium paid for contracts offered by easyvest and decrease with the amount of the premium:

You pay a premium ofThe entry fee charged is
0 € - 10.000 €1,00% of the premium tax incl.
More than 10.001 €0,50% of the premium tax incl.

2.2 Management fee

Life insurance can consist of class 21 and/or class 23 for which different management cost are applicable:

Class 21

The management fees of the class 21 are proportional to the amount invested in the class 21 contract, with a minimum and maximum annual charge:

Your class 21 is worthYour management fee are
9.600 €24 € /yr tax incl.
9.601 € - 28.799 €0,25%/yr tax incl.
More than 28.800 €72 €/yr tax incl.

Class 23

The management fees of the class 23 are proportional to the amount invested in the class 23 contract:

Your class 23 is worthYour management fee are
For all amounts1,5% /yr tax incl.

The management fee of the equity tracker of our class 23 amounts to 0.4% per annum and is charged at the trackers level by its fund manager who does not pay any commission to easyvest or its insurer.

2.3 Applicable tax regime

The Belgian tax administration applies a different deductibility and taxation for each type of life insurance contract. The tables below detail the applicable tax regime for each contract:

NIHDI contract
Contribution on premium10% (entitles to an incapacity insurance)
Entry taxesNone
Tax advantage100% contributed by the NIHDI
Exit taxes22,17% of the capital paid at retirement:
  • 3.55% NIHDI contribution
  • 2% solidarity contribution
  • 16,62% equivalent annuity tax (80% x 5% of capital paid X 10 years x 44% marginal tax rate x (100%-3,55%-2%))
FSP - Free Supplementary Pension for the Self-employed
Entry taxesNone
Tax advantageDeductible at 100% as a professional charge, i.e. no professional withholding tax or social contributions
Exit taxes22,17% of the capital paid at retirement:
  • 3.55% NIHDI contribution
  • 2% solidarity contribution
  • 16,62% equivalent annuity tax (80% x 5% of capital paid X 10 years x 44% marginal tax rate x (100%-3,55%-2%))
Social FSP
Contribution on premium10% (entitles to an incapacity insurance)
Entry taxesNone
Tax advantage100% deductible as a professional charge, i.e. no professional withholding tax or social contributions
Exit taxes22,17% of the capital paid at retirement:
  • 3.55% NIHDI contribution
  • 2% solidarity contribution
  • 16,62% equivalent annuity tax (80% x 5% of capital paid X 10 years x 44% marginal tax rate x (100%-3,55%-2%))
CIPA - Company Individual Pension Agreement
Entry taxes4,40% of the premium
Tax advantage100% deductible investment within the 80% rule
Exit taxesAround 15,85% of the capital paid at retirement:
  • 3,55% NIHDI contribution
  • 2% solidarity contribution
  • 9,45% tax (10% of capital x (100%-3,55%-2%))
  • 0,85% municipal tax (0,9% of capital x (100%-3,55%-2%), varies per municipality)
PIPA - Personal Individual Pension Agreement for the Self-employed
Entry taxes4,40% of the premium
Tax advantage30% deductible investment within the 80% rule
Exit taxesAround 15,85% of the capital paid at retirement:
  • 3,55% NIHDI contribution
  • 2% solidarity contribution
  • 9,45% tax (10% of capital x (100%-3,55%-2%))
  • 0,85% municipal tax (0,9% of capital x (100%-3,55%-2%), varies per municipality)
Group Insurance for Employees
Entry taxes13,26% of the premium:
  • 4,40% Tax
  • 8,86% NPO contribution
Tax advantage100% deductible as a professional charge for the company
Exit taxesAround 15,85% of the capital paid at retirement:
  • 3,55% NIHDI contribution
  • 2% solidarity contribution
  • 9,45% tax (10% of capital x (100%-3,55%-2%))
  • 0,85% municipal tax (0,9% of capital x (100%-3,55%-2%), varies per municipality)
Pension savings
Entry taxesNone
Tax advantage30% of the amount invested deductible
Exit taxesAround 9% of the capital paid at 60 years old:
  • 8% tax
  • 0,72% municipal tax (varies by municipality)
Long-term Savings
Entry taxes2.00% of the premium
Tax advantage30% of the amount invested deductible
Exit taxes10% of capital paid at 60 years
Non-tax life insurance
Entry taxes2.00% of the premium
Tax advantageNo deductibility on premiums paid
Exit taxesNone, beyond 8 years of investment
Easyvest is a brand of Easyvest NV/SA (No. 0631.809.696), authorized and regulated by the Belgian Authority for Financial Services and Markets (FSMA) as a portfolio management company and as a broker in insurances, with registered office at Rue de Praetere 2/4, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. Easyvest Pension Fund (abbreviated to Easyvest OFP) is a professional pension organisation approved by the FSMA (No. 1011.041.490) and domiciled at the same address. Copyright 2024 EASYVEST NV/SA. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance. All securities involve risk and may result in loss.