We use the standard model portfolios (not the climate portfolios) and the global index funds in which easyvest invests. Where data on the funds compared is not available (prior to 2012), we use the values of the corresponding indices, taking care to subtract the current fees that would have applied within a fund. This means that if the index has returned 1% and the corresponding fund charges 0.15% in current fees, we estimate your return to be 0.85%.
The prices used for our calculations are those of the last trading day of the selected month. For example, selecting Dec. 2015 means using the prices in effect on 31/12/2015. To calculate the annual performance of a portfolio, as is customary in the financial industry, we select the month of December of one year and the month of December of the following year.
The returns presented are calculated by incorporating easyvest's fees at a rate of 1% per year including VAT, which are the highest fees that may apply to our clients. The management fee for index funds is also included. The tax on stock exchange transactions (0.12%) and the withholding tax (30% of the capital gain on bonds) are not included.
The annualized return is the return over the selected period, expressed as an annual return. Note that a portfolio with an annualized return of 6% corresponds to a total return of 19.1% over a period of three years (and not 18% as you might think) due to the effect of compound interest.
Past performance is not indicative of future returns. All investments involve risk.
Last updated on 25/03/2022