We do not invest in the same way, nor with the same objectives, at 1 year (!) and at 75 years. To help you with your financial planning, easyvest offers a series of blogs on smart investing at 1, 25, 40, 65 and 75. In this introductory episode, you will see which priorities will be worked out for each age category.
Of course, you will not decide yourself to invest from an early age. But if you are a parent, ask yourself the question for your children! The “youth savings account”, in addition to being out of fashion, does not pay anything… With an investment horizon of around twenty years, why not invest your children's savings in stocks?
At 25, we ask ourselves questions above all. In this blog, we will try to answer the following questions:
Entering your 40s usually means seeing your finances improve dramatically. Even though a significant portion of your capital is probably used to pay off a mortgage, your income increases. Now is the perfect time to set clear retirement goals and start taking steps to achieve them.
You will soon stop working or lower your work rate. Do the maths: how much will you need to live on in retirement? To ensure your lifestyle and enjoy these good years, you will have to invest the capital accumulated during your professional career wisely.
You are enjoying your pension and may have inherited. If you can, assess the best way to help your children in their personal and family projects and prepare your estate in order to optimize it from a tax point of view.
At easyvest, we open accounts for both minors and nonagenarians! Although always following an index or passive investment strategy, our portfolios adapt, through their allocation, to all ages and all investment objectives. In the next blogs in this series, you'll find out what our clients' typical financial concerns are and what solutions we provide to them. Whether these concerns are yours or those of close acquaintances, do not hesitate to make a simulation on our site and to contact our advisers.
Read the other articles in the “Investing by age” series: investing as of 1 year old, investing in your 20s, investing in your 40s, investing in your 60s and investing in your 70s.